Solidarity Hull uses experimental theatre techniques such as forum and invisible theatre as popularised by Augusto Boal to explores issues in our lives. We use theatre to comment on these issues and express ourselves creatively. We have run weekly experimental theatre workshops. Premonition is our latest production devised to raises awareness around issues of migration and the negative stereotypes based on our lived experiences.  As a community we talk about serious issues in Hull of racism and integration, but also are focused on reaching out to communities that have little or misinformed knowledge about people seeking refugee and settling in the UK, aiding us in having an honest and emphatic  dialogue with the local community.

Swahili information video with English subtitles.

The support that our community needs as well as creating a short movie raising awareness about Covid 19 in Swahili. This is because most of our community speaks Swahili. It also helped us to be able to put subtitles in English so many more people can understand the meaning of our film. The film encouraged people to self-isolate, follow government guidelines, wear masks and to encourage covid vaccination take up. This is important for our community because BAME people have some fears and misinformation about the Covid19. They needed to know Covid 19 does not discriminate against race and so anybody can get Covid19. 

Thank you to Community Fund and Local Connections for supporting us with the grants. The project help us to deliver the awareness about COVID19 in some of our own language. This make our people in our community to understand more about COVID19 and its impact and encouraged people to get tested and also to understand the importance of Vaccination.


Combining Participatory Video (PV) and Participatory Action Research we have produced a short docu-film based on dialogue and knowledge around food justice issues in Hull. Alongside out partners NOMAD, Mans Shed and Coventry University we hope to contribute our informed knowledge to UK Food Policy. We have a hosted a number of community events, been out onto the streets of Hull to interview local people and visited local farms to find out more about Food Justice in Hull.  Please see our film in the link below.