Say No to food poverty in our local area.
#Help us reduce food poverty and loneliness in our community within our local area; food Justice for everyone post—24/ 03/2021
The Covid-19 crisis has pushed many families into hardship and exposed the severity of the UK’s food poverty problem. The devastation COVID has brought to many families who were struggling before is considerable; consequently, the demand for help is now even greater. At the moment SolidarityHull CIC is working with volunteers for supporting people with food supplies and promoting health and well-being of our community during this pandemic. SolidarityHull CIC has been supported more than 120 people, including families in our local area community with food parcels. We are running food justice project by supporting with food parcels for those with low income, asylum seekers, self-isolated as well as for our elderly people. The packages contain essential food items such as bag of rice, cooking oil, 1-2 whole chicken, fruits and bag of beans, and have been designed for those who need to self-isolate at home, health conditions, elderly people, asylum seekers, families who are on low income and to those have no support network of family or friends to help them.
Thank you to all our volunteers for marvellous job by delivering food parcels to those at highest risk from coronavirus , vulnerable people and to those in need ! During this COVID-19 pandemic , our volunteers has been more important than ever in delivering food parcels to people’s doorsteps.
Food Justice #PostCOVID19
#Fight isolation by reducing loneliness in people’s lives during this pandemic. – 07/12/2020
For the past few years Solidarity Hull CIC have been deeply involved in researching and understanding the importance of concepts of food justice and food sovereignty as we have learnt the importance for our communities to eat well in order to maintain good health. This pandemic has highlighted that we are the most affected by this virus due to food poverty issues. Last week Solidarity Hull CIC supported more than 30 families in our community throughout food justice by providing fresh foods to those affected by Coronavirus, those who have lost their job so far because of the pandemic, for our elderly people and for those who are self-isolating. Via this food justice project we encourage people to cook at home and eat fresh and nutritious foods during this pandemic as this will help us to have a good immune system that can fight the virus and stay healthy. We are also running cooking sessions online . We aim to fight isolation, loneliness and stress during this pandemic. We will keep posted on all events but please get in touch with us.
Solidarity Hull CIC, use food to make difference in our local area.
During to this pandemic many people and families in our community struggling with many challenging, such as a reduction in their government benefits, unemployment or in low income. Solidarity Hull CIC, has provided people with food parcel or hot meal. Some of our volunteers help to deliver food for people who are self-isolating, older people or people who are staying at home because of health risks.
Food Justice project help us to reduce loneliness and wellbeing of people in our community, also we aim to fight isolation and anxiety by engaging people to eat health and nutrition food at home.
This pandemic has stopped us from working on the ground but that won’t stop us from supporting our community. We are working from home and all our sessions and workshops still ruining online platform. Also we created a WhatsApp group or you can follow our Facebook page to keep in touch, support and keep people informed during this period. The COVID‐19 pandemic has meant that Solidarity Hull has been unable to meet and carry out activities with our community. We are unable to maintain our office/workshop space and unable to fundraise as our team had been in lockdown and many of us do not have personal computers or internet at home.
On the 7th December 2019, Solidarity Hull organised our end of year event. Together we decorated a venue and brought people together creating a positive atmosphere for families; with many young people, including children. We shared experiences, stories, joy and happiness and had lots of fun.
Solidarity Hull co-created this event in collaboration with Borashaba and Women Force Vision; through this partnership we brought our community together and we felt stronger. By working in collaboration we aimed to create a culture of freedom and mutual support for us all, where everyone feels appreciated in a safe space.
Many of us do not usually have the opportunity to socialise or to participate in social events, due to stress, mental health issues; anxiety, or simply there are not many places for us to go where we feel safe and which are culturally appropriate. Our social events are necessary as they create positive and friendly environment for families and young people, including children. These events inspire lots of people because you get the opportunity to share your experiences with others, whilst eating together food that we cook.
On the 7th December 2019, Solidarity Hull organised our end of year event. Together we decorated a venue and brought people together creating a positive atmosphere for families; with many young people, including children. We shared experiences, stories, joy and happiness and had lots of fun.
Solidarity Hull co-created this event in collaboration with Borashaba and Women Force Vision; through this partnership we brought our community together and we felt stronger. By working in collaboration we aimed to create a culture of freedom and mutual support for us all, where everyone feels appreciated in a safe space.
Many of us do not usually have the opportunity to socialise or to participate in social events, due to stress, mental health issues; anxiety, or simply there are not many places for us to go where we feel safe and which are culturally appropriate. Our social events are necessary as they create positive and friendly environment for families and young people, including children. These events inspire lots of people because you get the opportunity to share your experiences with others, whilst eating together food that we cook.
Food Justice Event #2 – BBQ – 13.05.17
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Last weekend solidarity hull held its second food justice event bringing together 30 people to cook, enjoy a wonderful BBQ, and watch an amazing documentary called ilha das flores from brazil. The documentary follows the path of a tomato from garden to dump whilst examining how human beings treat each other and our relationships with food. Following the documentary we used a fish bowl technique to discuss the links between freedom and food. The technique brought interesting discussions surrounding links between skin colour/women and food, basic needs, modes of production and employment, the oppressive system of capitalism, excessive food packaging and much more. Solidarity hull is going to continue to explore food security and justice and how it experience from people of different nationalities, ethnicities and genders. We will keep people posted on all events but please get in contact if you’re interested in explore these ideas collectively.
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Food Security project Solidarity Hull – LAUNCH EVENT – 14.01.17
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Solidarity Hull launched our food security project with the preparation and consumption of a delicious dinner cooked by several members from different parts of the world. Among those of us, there were people from ten different nationalities: Congo, Tanzania, Colombia, Argentina, Kurdistan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Iraq, Afghanistan and Britain.
The main idea of this project is for us to collectively start unravelling the term “Food Security” contributing with our findings to the wider movement on food security and food sovereignty in the UK, which is in need of a clear government food policy. This project is being developed in partnership with the People’s Knowledge Collective of the Centre for Agro-ecology, Water and Resilience, Coventry University.
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