Monday & Thursday: Employability Support.

Drop-in 10:30am – 15:30pm

There is no need to book for an appointment, simply just drop-in for anything that you require support with.

Our service include:

Do you need help with using a computer or device to apply / search for the Jobs? Will provide support as mush as possible.

-Applying for jobs /Job search

-Using Computer for Basic Digital Skills

-Applying for Jobs

-House benefits

Jobs Search

-letter reading and translation in specific languages.

Monday – Friday: Gardening Clubs

Time: 10am-13.30pm
Address: 48 Beverley road, Kingston Youth Centre
Hull HU3 1YE

Gardening: It’s been proven by research that people who are socially interactive are likely to remain healthier and live longer than people who are isolated.

Our gardening Project is especially useful for young adults and older people, as gardening can help people in our local area community to stay positive which can counteract the stresses caused through memory loss. Also, it can strengthen muscles and joints, improve relaxation and enhance well being of people in our local community area. In fact, there are many benefits that people can get from activities such as re-potting plants, planting vegetables and populating greenhouses.

Gardening enables people in our local community area to get some air , making friends and meeting new people , and get the sunshine while still staying in a place that is comfortable and familiar to people in our local community areas. Gardening helps to encourage physical activity as it includes bending, stretching and lifting. Furthermore, the act of leaving the house and stepping outside alone will greatly improve people’s mental health, as they experience a different environment altogether. These positive aspects of gardening make it ideal as a way of improving the mood of people in our local community area especially our older people.

  • Water provided
  • Morning and Afternoon Tea ☕️ Provided with Scones .

Safety tips for gardening:

  • Protection from the sun is important. This is why sunscreen and a hat should be worn.
  • Gloves should be worn to protect the skin.
  • Water should be drunk regularly in order to maintain hydration levels.
  • Regular breaks should be taken in order not to overstretch the body. 
  • Insect repellent should be used in order to avoid the issue of bites.

Wednesday: 10am- 15pm Learning English while cooking and eating together, for non-English speakers.

Food Justice #The power Cooking and eating together

Friday: Sewing Club

1:30am- 15pm

Address: 91a Spring Bank ,Hull HU3 1BH
Learn how to sew African print materials.
Beadwork is the art or craft of attaching beads to one another by stringing them onto a thread or thin wire with a sewing or beading needle or sewing them to cloth. Beads are produced in a diverse range of materials, shapes, and sizes, and vary by the kind of art produced.

Saturday: 13:30pm – 19pm Choice of Social activity for the young people.

  • Film Watching
  • Swimming
  • CritIcal learning/ Martial
  • Games night, bowling, pool, cards, badminton etc…!
  • Cinema/ Movies
  • Music and Dance
  • Football / Basketball
  • Ice Skating
  • Bike riding to the seaside